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Anders Thoresson

Fyra länkar om sociala medier och demokrati

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Söndagskaffe och tid att läsa ikapp. Det här är fyra av texterna jag hann med, i skärningen mellan internet, sociala medier och demokrati.

Söndagskaffe och den digitala läshögen.

Henry Farrell, i We're getting the social media crisis wrong:

The fundamental problem, as I see it, is not that social media misinforms individuals about what is true or untrue but that it creates publics with malformed collective understandings.

Joan Westenberg, i The False Promise of Digital Public Squares Was Always a ScamSquares Was Always a Scam:

What we’ve lost is far more valuable — local communities, papers, markets, and neighbors who know each other’s names.

Westenberg igen, i You Will Never Win an Argument On the Internet—Here's Why:

We don't engage in debates to learn - we engage to win. And when winning becomes the goal, we automatically activate the mental machinery of rationalization rather than rational thinking.

Casey Newton, i How Meta's concessions to the right may have backfired (betalvägg):

If Andrew Ferguson is determined to get to the heart of censorship on American social networks, and root out instances of policies that only ever favor one side or another, he can start with Elon Musk’s X. I will not be holding my breath.